Keywords: segregation, integration, inclusion, special educational needs (SEN), people with psychophysical disorders.


The prerequisites for the emergence and development of educational inclusion in Ukraine and abroad have been substantiated in the article. The experience of organizing the education of children with psychophysical disorders and the influence of socio-political phenomena on this process have been analyzed. The tendencies of the development of inclusive education in the countries of Western Europe and possibilities of their creative use taking into account the specifics of domestic realities have been expressed. The evolution of the attitude of the public and the state towards people with psychophysical disorders has been characterized – from complete non-recognition and even destruction to segregation – integration – inclusion. Based on the historical and pedagogical research, prospects of development of inclusive education in terms of national pedagogical theory and practice have been determined.


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How to Cite
Sadova, I. (2020). HISTORICAL DETERMINANTS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 37(6), 85-91. https://doi.org/10.23856/3708