The article reveals trends in word formation process that are typical for the modern German language terminological system of logistics, examines composition as a means of nominating the concepts of this terminological system in modern German. The concept of “composite term” from the point of view of logistics is understood as a complex word that nominates a certain concept in the field of logistics and formed by combining two or more independent words, their stems and/or root morphemes is defined. A structural and typological analysis of complex German terms of logistics on the material of complex terms of logistics, selected from the dictionary presented on the professional online resource LOGISTIK-LEXIKON.DE, and found that German language terminological combinations can be divided into two-, threefour- component composites. The most common type of complex logistical composite terms of the German language are two-component terms (73%); three- component terms are presented in a much smaller number (26.5%), the number of four- component complex terms in the analyzed resource made up 4 terminological units (0.5%). Morphological analysis of complex terms of German logistics terminology showed that they have different components. It was found that the terminology of logistics industry is substantive one, and the second component is often a noun, and as a determinant are the following parts of speech: noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun and preposition.
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