The article provides a theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical, and scientific- methodical literature in the context of the development of high school students’ mathematical abilities in studying algebra and pre-calculus. The purpose of the provided research is to determine the theoretical foundations for the development of high school students’ mathematical abilities in the process of studying algebra and pre-calculus. In accordance with the purpose, the most important psychological and pedagogical conditions are disclosed in the research work, contributing to a deep, quick and easy mastery of math knowledge and skills, as well as ensuring the development of individual psychological characteristics of high school students – their mathematical abilities. The scientific foundations for the implementation of the problem-based approach to the development of high school students’ mathematical abilities are described, the theoretical aspects of its implementation in the process of studying algebra and pre-calculus are determined. The content of the zones of proximal mathematical development is determined; their structure in studying algebra and pre-calculus by high school students is defined, the connection with the educational material content and components of mathematical abilities is revealed. To achieve the purpose, the following research methods were used: a theoretical analysis (problems of a problem-based approach to the development of mathematical abilities of high school students); a structured system analysis (for the problem-based system build-up), a contensive-theoretical generalization and design (in the formulation of conclusions and definition of subject matter for further researches).
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