Research skills are considered as an object of historical and pedagogical research. The historical limits for the formation of research skills in the lessons of mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, biology are determined. The challenges that preceded the skills and the consequences that led to their formation are pointed out. The borders correspond to the legal documents of public education in Soviet Union. The main criteria that determined the development of public education in general, and secondary education in particular, were the congresses of the Central Committee of the CPSU, resolutions of the Ministry of Education, the All-Union Congress of Teachers. The gradual formation of the very definition in the historical aspect of educational reforms during the Soviet education is considered. The transformation of the concept of “research skills” is characterized: botanical skills – polytechnic skills – polytechnic in combination with intellectual skills. In the period outlined by us, we observe the greatest development of the concept occurred in the mid-60's. Examples of formation of research skills during the lessons of natural and mathematical disciplines are given.
2. Halytska, N. Ye. (2020). Istorychni aspekty rozvytku doslidnytskoho metodu navchannia pryrodnycho-matematychnykh dystsyplin (kinets 50-kh rr. – seredyna 80-kh rr. ХХ st.) [Historical aspects of the development of the research method of teaching natural sciences and mathematics (late 50's – mid 80's of the ХХ century.)] Visnyk Cherkaskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Bohdana Khmelnytskoho. Seriia “Pedahohichni nauky”, Cherkasy. [in Ukrainian]
3. Halytska, N. Ye. (2017). Stanovlennia y rozvytok doslidnytskykh umin uchniv na urokakh pryrodnychykh
4. dystsyplin u zakladakh zahalnoi serednoi osvity (kinets 50-kh – seredyna 90-kh rr. ХХ st.) [Formation and development of research skills of students in the lessons of natural sciences in general secondary education (late 50's – mid 90's of the ХХ century.)] Pedahohichnyi almanakh, Kherson. [in Ukrainian]
5. Halytska, N. Ye. (2020). Samostiina robota uchniv yak zasib formuvannia doslidnytskykh umin na urokakh pryrodnycho-matematychnoho tsyklu (60-ti rr. ХХ st.) [Independent work of students as a means of forming research skills in the lessons of the natural-mathematical cycle (60s of the XX century)] Colloquium-journal, Warszawa. [in Ukrainian]
6. Kartashova, I. I., & Halytska N. Ye. (2018). Tendentsii rozvytku doslidnytskykh umin uchniv u systemi radianskoi shkilnoi osvity (kinets 60-kh – pochatok 80-kh rr. ХХ st.).[Trends in the development of students' research skills in the system of Soviet school education (late 60's – early 80's of the ХХ century)] Naukovyi chasopys, Kyiv. [in Ukrainian]
7. Richnyi zvit pro robotu shkil Luhanskoi oblasti za 1958–1959 n.r. TsDAVO Ukrainy (Tsentr. Derzh. arkhiv vyshch. orhaniv vlady ta upr. Ukrainy). F. 166. Op. 15. Spr. 2592. Ark. 85. [in Ukrainian]
8. Richnyi zvit pro robotu shkil Lvivskoi oblasti za 1958–1959 n.r. TsDAVO Ukrainy (Tsentr. Derzh. arkhiv vyshch. orhaniv vlady ta upr. Ukrainy). F. 166. Op. 15. Spr. 2593. Ark. 203. [in Ukrainian]
9. Richnyi zvit pro robotu shkil Poltavskoi oblasti za 1958–1959 n.r. TsDAVO Ukrainy (Tsentr. Derzh. arkhiv vyshch. orhaniv vlady ta upr. Ukrainy). F. 166. Op. 15. Spr. 2596. Аrk. 138. [in Ukrainian]
10. Richnyi zvit pro robotu shkil Khersonskoi oblasti za 1958–1959 n.r. TsDAVO Ukrainy (Tsentr. Derzh. arkhiv vyshch. orhaniv vlady ta upr. Ukrainy). F. 166. Op.15. Spr. 2605. Ark.137. [in Ukrainian]
11. Richnyi zvit pro robotu shkil Chernihivskoi oblasti za 1958–1959 n.r. TsDAVO Ukrainy (Tsentr. Derzh. arkhiv vyshch. orhaniv vlady ta upr. Ukrainy). F. 166. Op. 15. Spr. 2606. Ark. 90. [in Ukrainian]
12. Zvit pro robotu Ministerstva osvity URSR u 1966–1967 n.r. TsDAVO Ukrainy (Tsentr. Derzh. arkhiv vyshch. orhaniv vlady ta upr. Ukrainy). F. 166. Op. 15. Spr. 5384. Ark.131. [in Ukrainian]
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