The article considers the problem of career and career orientation of modern students in domestic and foreign scientific psychological and pedagogical literature. It is emphasized that the concepts of “career” and “competition” are etymologically related concepts. It is noted that a successful career involves a competitive personality. Three integral characteristics of a competitive personality are characterized: orientation, competence, flexibility. It is noted that the mental development of a cultured person occurs through the appropriation of social consciousness – social ideas, knowledge, language, ideals, norms, traditions, assessments, which are stored in the culture of the people and which in the transition to the internal plan form the psyche of a particular person. It is proved that in senior courses a professional identity is formed and the final decision is made whether to connect one's future destiny with the chosen profession or not. Based on the results of the theoretical analysis of career understanding issues, foreign and domestic researchers have identified the main approaches to career understanding: semantic, role, value, procedural, status, personal-professional, biographical, acmeological. It is emphasized that the process of formation of professionalism throughout the life of students is self-realization and the formation of its subjectivity. It is noted that the most popular foreign theory of professional development was the model of D. Super.
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