The problem of the use of the pedagogical reflection in the process of the professional preparation of the future specialists has been actualized in the article, in particular based on the analysis of the experience of its use in the realization of the educational-professional program of the future bachelors of the law. The new knowledge has been represented with the complementarity of the known methodological approaches to the use of the pedagogical reflection in the modeling of the purposes of the educational-professional program, the new interpretation of the pedagogical reflection and the generalization of the experience of the use and the approbation of the reflexive procedures of the value-semantic direction. In the research of the question from the point of view, the contradictions of the realization of the pedagogical reflection have been determined; the factors of the influence on the modern process of the building of the educational-professional models have been installed; at the level of the philosophical methodology, the new worldview positions of Homo educandus have been explained, which influence significantly on its value-motivational choice of the personal- educational trajectory. The role of the pedagogical reflection in the process of the general cultural and the professional development of the future bachelor of the law has been installed. The possibilities of the pedagogical reflection in the procedure of the formation of the purposes of the professional preparation, in particular the modeling of the process of the teaching have been characterized. The methodological references-points have been presented with the need of the consideration in the educational programs’ changes that have been occurred in the public consciousness and the worldview of the human at the present stage of the development of the community (the post-metaphysical thinking, the linguistic turn, the refusal of the recognition of the advantage of the theory over the practice, the concretization of the mind); the methodology of the value-semantic sending of the pedagogical reflection, the conceptualization of the pedagogical reflection as the special philosophical-educational procedure of the “embedding” of the student in the general cultural meanings of the past, of the present and of the future of the common vital activity of the subjects of the single cultural-educational space.
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