Keywords: information competence, distance learning, coach, mentor, tutor, non-formal education


The article deals with the issue of distance learning implementation during the Covid-19 pandemic and the readiness of teachers for professional development by means of information and communication technologies. Significant problems that arose during the organization of distance learning in educational institutions during the pandemic crisis are noted. The rapid development of digital and information technologies has led to new prospects for personal development in a networked society. Theoretical provisions on the essence of the notions “information competence”, “digitalization of education”, “distance learning” are considered. The content of distance learning platforms such like Edera, Prometheus, EdX, Coursera for the development of teachers' professional competence, including information and communication competence in the intercourse period is analyzed.The possibility of introducing new methods of pedagogical support of tutoring, coaching and mentoring during the organization and implementation of competency-based learning is considered. The article can be useful for specialists of general secondary education during the organization of distance learning and in the development of individual plans for professional development of pedagogical staff.


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How to Cite
Tarasova, V. (2020). DIGITALIZATION OF EDUCATION AS A CONDITION FOR TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 38(1-1), 224-230.