Based on the analysis of natural science research on directionality of evolution, a general criterion of evolutionary progress is formulated: a living being achieves the highest level of activity of the organism as a whole. The idea of a living being potential connection with his activity and life is stated. Potential is considered as a set of biological properties, qualities, internal adaptation mechanisms of any living organism, physical, mental, socio-psychological abilities, that are inherent for a human being and are inside him. Life, the attribute of which is activity, is impossible without full realization of the received potential and is the goal, to which a living being will always aspire, creating corresponding conditions of his existence. Value is a form of a goal manifestation. Everything that contributes to the achievement and realization of the goal will be values for a living being, a man. The main value for any living being is the desire to fully realize the inherent potential, to live a full life in an ever-changing environment. A general value of a man, as a living being, is the desire for the fullness of his life or love of life (philomenology). The degree of awareness of a man's existence and activity goal as well as the level of the general value development determines the nature of a man's attitude towards everything that he establishes links with, what/who he chooses, how he acts and the result of his activity.
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