• Ganna Kravchenko South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky
Keywords: globalization, society, social institutes, public relations, family life, postmodernization of society


This article presents the comparative analysis of scientific interests and concerns in the domain of family and marriage relations in such social sciences as history, philosophy, psychology, law, sociology, demography and pedagogics. The place and importance of philosophy are determined; its influence on the progress of the aforesaid sciences is also analysed. The place, role and importance of social philosophy are discovered. The subject field of each aforesaid science is studied thoroughly. Also the subject field of social philosophy is discovered and distinguished, and its scientific concerns in researching family and marriage relations are studied. It is found out that each of the scientific disciplines mentioned in the article delves into and studies family, marriage and family-marriage relations in its own sight with its own scientific concern, approach, in accordance with its subject and method of research. The author sets distinct limits of scientific researches of each mentioned discipline as well as social philosophy. An opportunity to study family and marriage relations is found from the point of view of various sciences by engaging herewith their research tools. The focus is made on the fact that this combination makes it possible to enrich every scientific discipline with some additional knowledge. In the article, the author proves that the contemporary period of postmodern and world globalisation of society are displayed in family and marriage relations. The author proves the correlation between transformation processes going in the period of postmodern in different fields of public life and changes in family and marriage relations.


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How to Cite
Kravchenko, G. (2020). SPECIFICS OF THE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF FAMILY AND MARRIAGE RELATIONS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES IN THE POSTMODERN PERIOD. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 38(1-1), 266-275. https://doi.org/10.23856/3835