Keywords: society, thinking, knowledge, educational environment, global world, science, synergetics


The article highlights the essence of the new reality which is the basis of global transformations of the society and the entire world order. The new social system is in the focus of attention for politicians, sociologists, economists, and philosophers, as previous assessments of the development prospects (“new industrial”, “post-industrial”, “information”, “post-economic” and other societies) have proved to be imperfect from the standpoint of the real course of events. In recent decades, such concepts as “social postmodernism”, “new order”, and “globalism” have become widespread. But they also require revision and critical rethinking. Due to these circumstances, there is a problem of identifying opportunities and the role of thinking and knowledge in determining the essence and content of modernity. After all, changes in the society and technological innovations require the study of social transformations, which are the driving force and source of energy of modern civilization. The peculiar feature of modernity is its dynamism, due to which the complexity and unpredictability of social development is created. Today, it acts as a complex self-developing system characterized by openness and exchange of knowledge and information energy. Its problem can be understood through synergetics, since its mental reflections have specified understanding the mechanisms of modern development. It should be borne in mind that when interpreting synergetics as a theoretical description of self-developing systems, they get rid of one-sidedness that arises when the links between the synergetic paradigm and the system approach are not clearly understood. It is in these connections that synergetic ideas about the meanings of knowledge, education, and learning can be incorporated into the modern picture of the world.


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How to Cite
Sakun, A., & Chernyak, D. (2020). SOCIO-CULTURAL DIMENSIONS OF MODERNITY IN THE CONTEXT OF COGNITIVE PRACTICES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 38(1-1), 288-293.