Keywords: cognitive onomastics, semantic gestalts, aromatonym, free associative experiment, associative field


The article is devoted to determining the nature of the aromatic subframe of the English native speaker's mental lexicon. Semantic gestalts of the associative field of English aromatonyms are considered. Systematization of the results of the free associative experiment made it possible to single out the semantic gestalts of the associative onymic field of the analyzed stimuli. In this study, we used the method of free associative experiment, which is to respond to informants through any verbal reaction to stimulus words. The associative field of the stimulus was divided into semantic gestalts – fragments of the linguistic picture of the world and on the basis of two dominant groups of associates the gestalt associative core was established. Analyzing the obtained semantic gestalts of the associative onymic field of aromatonyms, we consider it appropriate to note that they all have a high degree of generalization, i.e. the semantic diffusion of speech becomes relevant, which opens the possibility of subjective interpretation of what is heard. All the results of our free experiment, namely semantic gestalts, are implemented by the Milton model, which combines distortion, generalization and omission of information, so that language is deliberately used to allow the respondents to supplement the missing details.


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