Keywords: abstract lexica, abstract nouns, denotational and significational meaning, typological analysis, artistic text


The article represents investigation of the problem defining the essence of the category of abstract and its correlation with the category of concrete in language. The specified problem has many aspects, it being on the edge of linguistics, philosophy and logics. The analysis of abstract vocabulary in M. Bulgakov’s novel “Master and Margarita” was carried out in lexical and semantic and derivational dimensions at synchronistical level with application of the corresponding methods of analysis, elements of statistical analysis were used for guaranteeing greater precision of the results achieved. In the research process it was revealed that the biggest group, were abstract nouns with the meaning of emotional and psychological state, their number being nearly one third of the total number of analyzed units. The level of nouns’ abstractness correlates with the numerical data, the bigger the level of abstractness is, the bigger in size is the lexical-semantic group. Our derivational analysis demonstrated this regularity, as the greater part of abstract nouns in “Master and Margarita” novel, by M. Bulgakov were created by methods of suffixation and zero-affixation methods, the lexical units, belonging to “psychological and emotional state” and “process and action” group form the biggest share, while the smallest part belongs to the group, denoting estimation of measure and degree, manifestation of signs or degree of intensity of a process.


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How to Cite
Goli-Oglu, T., & Borodenko, L. (2020). REALIZATION OF THE CATEGORY OF ABSTRACT IN A FICTIONAL TEXT. LEXICAL, SEMANTIC AND DERIVATIONAL DIMENSIONS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 38(1-2), 16-24.