Keywords: national identity, post-national identity, European identity, life philosophy of the character, protagonist, novel


The article is devoted to the study of the post-national identity of the protagonists in the novels Centenarian. Confession on the pass of the spirit, Svitovan. Studies under the tent of the skies, Well-Digger. Diary of the richest resident of Mukachevo dominion, Highlander. Waters of our Lord’s riverbeds, Maftey. Book written with a dry pen by a contemporary Ukrainian author M. Dochynets. It is proved that the deep rooting of M. Dochynets’ protagonists in national culture and traditions does not deny the possibility of intercultural and interethnic dialogue, which creates a basis for the formation of post-national identity of Vichnyk / Svitovan, Well-Digger, Highlander, Maftey. Tolerance in relation to representatives of different nationalities, religions, worldviews, appeal to the cultural heritage of Antiquity, Renaissance ideas and imitation of the Christian tradition as characteristic features of the European identity of the protagonists of the writer are singled out and analyzed. The article uses an interdisciplinary approach relevant to modern literary discourse, which allows to use the achievements of philosophy, sociology, psychology, culturology for the analysis of the literary text (interpretation of the characrer concept, definition of problem- thematic range, analysis of plot-compositional level, etc.). The author is convinced that the involvement of an interdisciplinary approach in the study of artistic understanding of the problem of post-national identity in the novels by M. Dochynets will help fill gaps in the study of the writer’s work and open prospects for further studies.


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How to Cite
Ishchenko, O. (2020). POST-NATIONAL IDENTITY OF THE PROTAGONISTS IN THE NOVELS BY MYROSLAV DOCHYNETS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 38(1-2), 34-40.