The article is devoted to the consideration of literary sources from the standpoint of studying intertextuality, which allows for exploratory and literary research of the work of Natalena Koroleva, in particular collections of short stories “Legends of the ancient Kyiv”. The significant contribution of the writer is outlined, as well as a historian, ethnographer, scientist for Ukrainian literature of the twentieth century. The position of the writer as a person with Ukrainian roots is highlighted. The article considers topical problems of intertextuality in the aspect of research of synthesis of known literary works to create a new literary canvas through reminiscences, “author's identification” and “author's model” (N. Astrakhan). A number of well-known literary works are considered, historical events, reflections and reflections of famous figures through the author's interpretation of Natalena Koroleva to create her own “wonder” (O. Myshanych). Attention is paid to intertextual links in a cycle “Legends of the ancient Kyiv” various literary sources, different historical epochs, various topics, considerations of famous philosophers and cultural figures, the first historical figures, different origins of literary works. This is the identification of this collection as the pinnacle of the writer's creative work. The author's idea of Natalena Koroleva is described on the interpretation of well-known literary monuments to emphasize the importance and originality of Ukrainian literature in the world dimension. The importance of studying and literary research of Natalena Koroleva's works is substantiated, in particular collections of short stories “Legends of the ancient Kyiv” for the development of Ukrainian literature and culture of the Ukrainian people.
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