The aim of the paper is to reveal the cognitive structure and linguistic representation of self-reflexive schemata of ekphrasis construed in collections of essays about painting. The material of the study is six collections of essays written in English by modern authors. Conceptual semantic analysis, analysis in terms of conceptual metaphor, and contextual interpretative analysis have been applied in the study. The research has revealed the following tendencies in the construing of self-reflexive schemata of ekphrasis in collections of essays about painting: self-reflexive schemata of ekphrasis differ by their overall degree of self-reflexivity which correlates with the genre dominant of the texts where such schemata are objectified; the construing of the self-reflexive schemata of ekphrasis rely upon the basic cognitive processes of human thought; the knowledge about visual art which has been subjected to reflexion constitutes an important part of self-reflexive schemata of ekphrasis; self-reflexive schemata of ekphrasis contain specific concepts that are employed in the essays as the means of ekphrasis. Two types of instantiation of self-reflexive schemata of ekphrasis in the analysed collections of essays about painting have been detected: complete and partial instantiations. The notion of ekphrasis is linguistically objectified as the cognitive structure VERBAL REPRESENTATION OF VISUAL ART. Its component VERBAL REPRESENTATION can be actualised as a PROCESS and as a RESULT. The component VISUAL ART can be represented by the range of categories varying in their level of generalisation from high to low.
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