In modern literature studies much attention is paid to the study of mythopoetics of modernist writers, whose mythologism serves as an artistic technique and as one of the signs of their worldview. The article researches the realization of the eschatological myth in one-act dramas by S. Cherkasenko, reveals the artistic features of the author’s eschatological model of the world, in which eschatology provides for the temporary destruction of the established time order to acquire a new time cycle. It was found that in society eschatological hopes are cyclical in nature and are mostly activated at the turn of the century. The article describes the eschatological motifs of one-act dramas by S. Cherkasenko; reveals the reasons of destruction of the universe; analyzes apocalyptic events as a set of values and norms, the violation of which leads to the inevitable end of the kin and the historical epoch in general. The analysis outlines a number of images and motifs which are associated with the binary oppositions “past – present”, “light – darkness” and proves the author's use of biblical and national and cultural mythologemas borrowed from the Romantic era. It was studied that in the work solar symbolism is associated with the idea of purification, salvation, hope for a new life, and darkness (night) symbolizes worldly suffering, spiritual darkness, hopelessness.
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