Keywords: health, healthy lifestyle, environment, pupils


The article analyzes the factors influencing the formation of a healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren in institution of general secondary education ZZSO. The role of the health of the conservation environment is noted. Regulatory documents and research on the culture of health and psychological health of the individual are analyzed. The state of the organization of the health of the conservation environment in ZZSO and the factors that negatively affect the psychological health of students in ZZSO: the shift of landmarks from moral family values to the material and social situation in society; uncontrolled use of media and Internet resources by students and adolescents; limited motor activity of students (hypodynamics); lack of systematic and purposeful work on the prevention of unhealthy habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling and Internet addiction and other deviations). Solving the problem of maintaining the health of children and adolescents, teaching a healthy lifestyle, taking into account the factors of a healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren and pupils requires joint attention: teachers, doctors, parents, members of the public. A special place and responsibility for health activities is given to the domestic modern educational system, which should make the educational process healthy.


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How to Cite
Abdel, Y. M. A. (2020). FACTORS OF A HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE OF UKRAINIAN SCHOOLCHILDREN IN INSTITUTION OF GENERAL SECONDARY EDUCATION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 38(1-2), 117-126. https://doi.org/10.23856/3856