The article considers the didactic problems that have accumulated recently at the level of training teachers in the field of food technology. They require the definition of modern approaches to effective decision-making. The didactic aspect of training teachers of the professional direction of food technologies is presented, which is: a set of interdependent forms, means and methods of training with a predetermined ultimate goal – individual readiness for future professional activity. Ways of realization of modern approaches to the decision of didactic problems in preparation of future teachers of professional training on food technologies are considered. The relationship between the main didactic categories as structural components of the whole didactic process is shown. The chain of didactic categories is analyzed in view of their didactic role in the practice of teaching technological equipment of the food industry to future teachers of vocational training. It is proved that these tasks can be successfully implemented under the condition of training competent teachers who are able to think scientifically and navigate in their practice, to make operational decisions on complex production situations.
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