Keywords: innovations, research and development, product, diffusion of innovation theory, evolutionary theories of innovations, linked-сhain model, theory of innovation ecosystem


The article deals with theories of innovation development, applied in higher medical education. The author synthesizes and systematizes the existing theoretical material on the issue. The study describes (i) diffusion of innovation theory which states that sometimes an idea or product evolves and spreads in a certain social system. As a result, people, being a part of the system, develop new ideas, behaviors, or products; (ii) evolutionary theories of innovations that consider innovation as a path-dependent process where it is developed through the interaction of different subjects and then tested in the market; (iii) linear models of innovations that mostly deal with the linked-chain model under which the innovation process occurs in conditions of uncertainty, rapid changes, and therefore can occur in several directions, and (iv) theory of innovation ecosystem which describes a complex of ties within the economic dynamics. These ties can be between subjects or formations, the main purpose of which is to provide the development of technologies and innovations.


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How to Cite
Kulichenko, A. (2020). THEORIES OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT: APPLICATION IN HIGHER MEDICAL EDUCATION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 38(1-2), 150-156.