Research competence is the basis for the development of other more specific and subject- oriented competencies, since it helps the student to learn, allows him to become more flexible, competitive professional, helps to be more successful in the future, and determines the meaningfulness of life`s forming. The article examines and analyzes the role of pedagogical teaching technologies in the development of students' research competence. The conditions for the development of research competence of students by means of modern pedagogical technologies are described. The main approaches to defining the essence and content of learning technologies are analyzed. After the analysis of own experience, organization and conduct of educational and research activities of students, the author concludes that the use of modern educational technologies allows the obtainment of successful results in the constructing of components of the research competence of students at the Ukrainian language and literature lessons. The developmental technologies – problem and project learning are in demand the most, where the integration of theoretical and practical components, the development of creative and critical thinking, and of readiness for self-development and self-improvement are carried out.
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