The issues of aesthetic education and development of aesthetic culture among the younger generation are the topical issues today. Personal orientation of modern education provides young peoples involvement in the aesthetic experience of humanity, creative activities, which are the base of personal aesthetic development. Aesthetic education is one of the primary schools educational system directions. It is realized in unity with the mental, moral, physical and labor education of primary schoolchildren and acts as a necessary factor in the comprehensive development of personality. Aesthetic education is an integral part of a harmoniously developed personality formation, a necessary condition for the spiritual development of human, his moral stability, creative attitude to work. Today we face the problems that children do not understand the aesthetic meaning of artistic values, the low level of schoolchildrens aesthetic consciousness, the lack of true spirituality. Nowadays the aesthetic education is one of the problems, which solution will influence the further development of culture. The purpose of our research is to determine ways of implementing the system of younger generations aesthetic education in Ukraine, based on the analysis of foreign experience. There were used these theoretical methods of research in the process of writing this article: the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem of research; synthesis of the basic research concepts of; formulation of conclusions on the problem.
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