The article presents analysis and characterization of definitions of responsibility in scientific research and responsibility defined as an important property of the personality. Author presented the pertinences between responsibility, freedom of choice, values and morality. The influence of such skills as reflection and empathy on the development of responsibility is getting determined. The author analyzed psychological – pedagogical features of student age, which include: the formation of self – identity and worldview, search for their place in life, the formation of the value core of the individual, recognition of their own involvement in socially positive changes. Student age is defined as a sensitive period for the development of responsibility. It is established that the social activity of student youth, involvement in solving social problems, contributes to the development of responsibility and recognition of their own importance in the implementation of socially positive transformations in the community. Service – Learning is interpreted as one of the approaches to the development of responsibility of student youth. Service-Learning is characterized as an effective way to involve student youth in active participation in community life by helping to solve problems relevant to it, which contributes to a sense of self-importance, and consequently, the development of responsibility. The results of scientific researches on the influence of Service – Learning on the development of responsibility of student youth are generalized.
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