The article examines the psychological and pedagogical principles of professional success in terms of coordination of individual and social requirements, professional and personal development of the teacher. The research issues are quite relevant in connection with current trends in education, which are aimed at achieving maximum quality in educational processes. From this point of view, the achievement of professional success by teachers is the key to qualitative changes in the education system. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the concept of “professional success” and defines the concept of “professional success of teachers” as a meta-category that is defined by complex indicators of professional competence, ability to teach, personal qualities and ability to self-realization in professional activities. It is determined that professional success is an integral characteristic of a teacher's activity, based on professional competence and pedagogical abilities, conducted by personal attitude to the profession and the ability to self-realization in it. On the basis of theoretical and empirical research the factors influencing formation of professional success of the teacher are defined. Theoretical analysis and survey of future teachers' ideas allowed to identify system-forming factors of professional success of teachers: professional competence, moral and ethical qualities of teachers, conscious choice of profession, emotional stability (formed emotional intelligence), self-realization in the profession. The study will provide an opportunity to develop a conceptual model of professional success of modern teachers, identify key criteria and indicators that determine the development of professional success of future teachers and professional teacher training at higher educational institutions.
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