The article shows that the preparation of future philology teachers for research activity on the idea of a systematic activity approach to the development of personality is realized through a rational combination of effective educational technologies and natural human activity for self-realization. The developed pedagogical system provides the usage of a complex of pedagogical influences on formation of readiness of future philology teachers for realization of research activity and is carried out step by step, according to level of mastering by students of system of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and experience of research search and accordingly organized extracurricular and experimental research work in a higher educational institution. In the course of research and experimental work we have fully confirmed the formulated hypothesis that the effectiveness of the formation of readiness for research work of future philology teachers in higher educational institutions can be achieved if this process is based on the development and implementation of a system that provides organizational and methodological provision of the gradual development of all components of readiness, the organization of scientific collaboration of students and teachers in order to self-improve the personality of the future philology teacher in professionally oriented research activities. The results of experimental work confirmed the effectiveness of the developed system of readiness formation for research work of future philology teachers, which was introduced in the experimental group.
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