The article deals the virtual communication as one of the backbone elements of an information society. The large-scale spread of computer networks significantly transformed components such as communication processes, space, time and conceptual content. The formation an information society as a condition of multi-vector communication or polylogue, is constantly in the field of interaction and transitive provides the ability to design your own social identity. Particular attention is paid to the interactive aspects Virtual communication and transformation of communication patterns due to the lack of hard imperatives of social networking that contributes to the high variability of the personal self. Within the virtual space, produced a global computer network, develops specific language, a system of signs, symbols, symbols which set as their assimilation communicants ensures the effectiveness of the communication process. Virtual communication has become one of the factors of socio-cultural transformations of modern society, so an important tool for conceptual understanding of changes in the world is the analysis of the specifics of this aspect of social relations.
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