Keywords: Crimea region, labor resource, collective farms of the Crimea, Kherson region of the UkrSSR, electrification of agriculture, debts of collective farms


The political decisions of the leadership of Soviet Union and Ukrainian SSR, made after the Second World War, were aimed at ensuring a uniform social and economic development of the European part of the country, taking into account the state of the regional resource base. This approach was also used in making political decisions regarding the Crimea and Ukraine. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the state of labor resources of the peninsula and surrounding regions of Ukrainian SSR in the initial period of implementation of social and economic development programs concerning them. The purpose of the study is to provide a comparative analysis of the labor resources of the Crimea and the surrounding regions of Ukrainian SSR and the principles and approaches to their use. Therefore, the main study subject is the able-bodied population of the Crimea and the regions of Ukrainian SSR adjacent to the peninsula and its use in the policy of the Soviet leadership. The consideration of the situation and approaches to the use of labor resources in the Crimea region indicates the low efficiency of their use and the lack of opportunities at the regional level to increase it. In the course of the study, it was found that the leadership of the USSR and the RSFSR was not interested in implementing a comprehensive program of improving the efficiency of the labor resources use in the Crimea region due to the lack of grounds for it at the national level.


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2. Vypolneniye obyazatelstv pered gosudarstvom v 1951 g. kolkhozami Yaltinskogo, Alushtinskogo, Sudakskogo rayonov [Fulfillment of obligations to the state by the collective farms of Yalta, Alushta, Sudak districts in 1951] // TsDAGO Ukrainy, f. 1, op. 24, spr. 3843 [in Russian].
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5. Zadolzhennost kolkhozov (Evpatorіyskogo, Pervomayskogo, Kіrovskogo, Primorskogo, Rozdolnenskogo, Chornomorskogo, Lenіnskogo, Dzhankoyskogo і Bakhchisarayskogo rayonіv na 1951) [Debt of collective farms (Evpatorіysky, Pervomaisky, Kirovsky, Primorsky, Rozdolnensky, Chornomorsky, Leninsky, Dzhankoysky and Bakhchisaraysky districts in 1951)] // TsDAGO Ukrainy, f. 1, op. 24, spr. 3843 [in Russian].
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16. Svedeniya o nalichii dvorov i naseleniya v kolkhozakh Yaltinskogo, Alushtinskogo i Sudakskogo rayonov (na 1951) [Information on the availability of households and population on collective farms of the Yalta, Alushta and Sudak districts (in 1951)] // TsDAGO Ukrainy, f. 1, op. 24, spr. 3843 [in Russian].
17. Sekretaryu TsK KP(b)U Kaganovichu L. M. “Dokladnaya zapiska o khode elektrifikatsii selskogo khozyaystva Zaporozhskoy oblasti v 1947 godu” (vіd) Sekretarya obkoma KP(b)U L. Brezhneva. 20 noyabrya 1947 g. [The Secretary of the Zaporizzij Regional Committee of the Communist Party (Bolshevik`s) of Ukraine L. Brezhnev to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolshevik`s) of Ukraine Kaganovich L. M. “Report on the progress of electrification of agriculture in Zaporizhzhya region in 1947” (November 20, 1947)] // TsDAGO Ukrainy, f. 1, op. 23, spr. 4583 [in Russian].
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