The development of the Internet greatly influences the transformation and modernization of the industries and businesses in the People’s Republic of China. As a result, the Chinese government has developed a special Internet Plus strategy to transform, modernize and equip conventional industries for joining the modern economy. This strategy is being implemented through the development of mobile devices, cloud services and new generation applications connecting people to social media, analytics and big data. Such development is going to attract foreign businesses planning to make an impact on the booming Chinese Internet economy, with the growing need for the experienced economists to assist their efforts. The specific characteristics and the areas of application of Internet Plus in different industries have been summed up and characterized. The ways of application of Internet Plus in economic education of the People’s Republic of China were substantiated. The effective mobile applications used for educational purposes with the economists in the higher educational institutions of the People’s Republic of China were highlighted and analyzed. The recommendations to be applied in foreign economic education using the benefits of Internet Plus strategy were formulated. Understanding and application of the Internet Plus strategy is a critical component for the economists in People’s Republic of China and abroad to achieve career success and open future businesses to enter the Chinese and world market.
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