The aim of the article is a brief attempt to consider the main components of the psychoanalytic interpretation of S. Protsyuk’s novel “Infection”, to make a creative interpretation of this method in this work. The consideration of basic psychological units, including dreams, fantasies, neuroses, and search for their causes: the transition of libido from one activity to another to some extent causes the neurosis of the characters. So, the using of the method of psychoanalysis is quite motivated. The revelation of the figurative system of the author’s unconscious pushes us to the idea of the convergence of writing a work and dream activity. We trace this in the connection with the elements of dreaming: shift, thickening, indirect depiction in the artistic world of the writer. The thickening is found in a combination of a large number of images. The indirect depiction is represented by the fact that each of these images carries its own ideological load, It is the existing element of the transition from ideas to images. Such element of dream work as a shift is also considered. The reading the text is complicated by the fact that all artistic images are fleeting. The use of these and other methods allowed to reveal the deeper meanings of the author’s creative process, broadened the understanding of the work, and pointed to the high intelligence and talent of the author.
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