The article deals with the problem, which has attracted scholars’ attention in the field of terminology during the last several decades, namely the concept of the term and its common basic features. Although a lot of studies have focused on this issue, there is no precise definition and common understanding of the term. Having examined some previous works on the topic, we revealed that the wide range of different approaches to the problem are available. That is why the aim here is to investigate the concept of “religious term”, its features and functioning. First of all, we have studied the common signs of the term, which are put forward in terminology and analysed the inconsistency of these features with real terms. We suggest that there is no ideal term at all, as a big amount of terms do not always meet the necessary requirements. As a result, we assume that the Latin religious terms are not entirely “successful”. They are systemic, definitive and have a special scope. On the other hand, religious terms are often polysemic, inaccurate, metaphorical and have a lot of synonyms.
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