The article proposes special areas of work and identifies conditions for improving the effectiveness of the formation of these competencies in pupils, including high school. The research was conducted within the lessons of computer science, because they have a direct impact on the formation of information and communication competencies. It was found that the systematic and purposeful use of computer technology, special electronic correctional and developmental training programs and Internet services provides an opportunity to modernize and improve the quality of education, as well as pupils’ interest in mastering basic computer science, to create a situation of success for each them. In the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the introduced areas of correctional and developmental education system, high school pupils were divided into two groups - control and experimental. The obtained data showed that the pupils of the control group did not experience significant changes in learning, while the pupils of the experimental group showed an improvement in performance in computer science lessons. Based on the results of the experimental study, it was found that the proposed correctional and developmental system of education is quite effective in increasing the level of formation of information and communication competencies in high school pupils with special needs. Prospects for further research are outlined.
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