The article is devoted to the problem of professional adaptation of the future primary school teacher, the solution of which is aimed at increasing their competitiveness. Based on the analysis of scientific works, it is established that the process of professional adaptation begins during professional training. As this process is dynamic and pedagogically controlled, it requires the creation of special pedagogical conditions that will take into account modern approaches to the organization of the educational process. It is proposed to carry out systematic monitoring of professional adaptation of students in the process of pedagogical practice to diagnose the formation of their professional adaptation and the relevant criteria are set. In order to determine areas for improving the content of pedagogical practice, the current state of normative support of students' practice in Ukraine at the national level and at the level of higher education institutions (on the example of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University) is analyzed. Purposeful management of the process of professional adaptation of the future primary school teacher is realized through the support of future primary school teachers during pedagogical practice. The article describes the forms, content and tasks to which its implementation is aimed.
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