Keywords: investment activity, public administration, investment, regions infrastructures, Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union


Investment attractiveness of regions under conditions of decentralization in Ukraine is one of the key directions for state policy, providing development of infrastructure in regions, increase of their production potential, growth of living standards of territorial communities and city dwellers. Study of theoretical aspects of investment development for regions in Ukrainian science branch “Public Administration” cannot be explored without studying conceptual apparatus, its features, historical, structural and logical content. The author of the article researches the study of investment development of regions in terms of public administration. The peculiarities of the concept of “investment” are revealed, helping to substantiate this term from related ones in economics and law. The study of views for domestic and foreign scientists, interpretation of this concept in scientific reference books and manuals contributed to the formation of the author’s definition. As a result, investments are considered as objects that have a certain value as material value, natural resources, which can be included in the objects of entrepreneurial and other activities to obtain an effective useful result. In the article the author gives numerous examples of research of investments in scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, some aspects of interpretation in economics and law that scientists could not reach agreement on. It is proved that there is no single definition of the concept in the regulations, which complicates the study of this topic in the field of “Public Administration”. So, the issue is not explored at the state administration level, especially in the context of the signed Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union.


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