The article considers peculiarities of formatting modern system of land resources management for territorial communities under the conditions of decentralization in Ukraine. The author reasons that managing land resources of territorial communities today is an important scientific and applied problem at various levels of management. It is noted that today development of Ukraine is closely linked with the reform of its administrative-territorial structure, aimed at ensuring economic, social and financial capacity of each administrative unit – primarily the territorial community. The author emphasizes that in the context of ongoing decentralization reforms, mechanisms and processes that accompany functions and development of territorial communities are also being transformed. At the same time, certain extra powers are given to the united territorial communities, they become responsible for more effective management, including land and resource potential, which is the basis for the territory development. This is the reason to suggest development and implementation of interconnected system of legal, administrative and economic measures, at the level of local government, being united by the same goal of regulating land and property relations, to ensure stable, balanced and effective development of the territorial community.
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