This paper is an initial attempt to investigate the metaphorical concept from different linguistic perspectives. Concept acquisition in cognitive science ranges from metatheoretical to practical implications. The modern study of cognitive comparative linguistics is influenced by the development of new cognitive comparative discursive approach in the historical-comparative and typological language investigations. The traditional vision of the notion “concept” as the result of metaphorical process in human consciousness has challenged the cognitive diachronic concept acquisition. Cognitive paradigm in modern linguistics provoked new understanding of metaphor with broader conceptual view and complex methodology of its analysis. The research represents the cognitive processes of conceptualization and defines subsequences between the notions “conceptual metaphor”, “metaphorical concept”, “cognitive metaphor”. The structure of the concept includes both everything that belongs to the concept, everything that makes it a fact of culture – the original form (etymology), history, modern associations and evaluation. These are the clots of the cultural environment reflected in the human mind.
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