The article is dedicated highlighting the peculiarities of the political slogan as one of the basic advertisement campaign components which embodies the total pool of the ideas of the whole advertisement campaign. and outlining the general, special and influential peculiarities of the political slogan as a potentially influential text, because of immanent suggesogeneousness being its functional characteristic. The particular specific differences of a political slogan from a commercial one according such characteristics as continuity and frequency of operation, specificity, differentiation, and audience coverage are outlined, temporal limitation of the political advertisement due to the fact that the political advertisement’s validity is regulated legislatively, especially emphasized. The linguistic characteristics of political slogans, being an element of a larger political texts array, are highlighted, and the general recommendations as to how to reach top efficiency of a political slogan are provided, including one concerning taking the mental characteristics of the potential recipients into account when formulating the political campaign, slogan being its core element.
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