Keywords: syntactic unit, explanatory constructions, self-explanation, specification, concretization


The article deals with the topical issues associated with the formation of the category of specification, examines various aspects of the study of specifying syntactic constructions, describes their structure, meaning, functions, characterizes differential features, typological manifestations. It has been established that specifying syntactic units are in the system relations with other types of explanatory constructions (self-clarification, concretization). The author has found out the difference between specifying and self-explanatory syntactic units. Specifying constructions should be distinguished from self-explanatory as the former realizes clarifying semantics through narrowing, scope limitation while the latter designates the same concept, phenomenon, feature but denotes it in diverse ways. The meaning of specification is peculiar to one of two, commonly, one-level syntactic unit, integrative in content. The availability of “the whole to part relation” within the specifying constructions doesn’t require relevant conjunctions for their expression, and thus, they are characterized by asyndeton. It has also been marked other, less expressive means – intonation separation close to intonation of listing and parenthesis, specifiers (точніше, правильніше, краще) in combination with word forms (сказати, кажучи) or without them. Specifying constructions have been classified according to the morphological manifestation of a root component (substantive, adjective, adverbial, verbum finitum). The research has proved that the above constructions can be used as any part of a sentence (they usually act as an adverbial modifier of time and place).


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How to Cite
Novikova, O. (2021). SPECIAL ASPECTS OF SPECIFYING CONSTRUCTIONS AT THE LEVEL OF A SIMPLE COMPLICATED SENTENCE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 40(3), 60-66. https://doi.org/10.23856/4008