The purpose of the article is to consider the effectiveness of the model of differentiation of professional training of future teachers of music art and methods of readiness formation for differentiation in professional training of music-students, during the formative experiment, which included a set of pedagogical activities, methods and techniques. The pedagogical experiment became a logical continuation of our theoretical research and was based on the following conceptual ideas: study of theoretical and methodical bases of differentiation of professional training of students; use of foreign tendencies differentiation of education in music pedagogy; introduction of methodological approaches as a basis for differentiation of music-pedagogical training; development and implementation of innovative technologies for working with students with different pre-university training; creation of organizational and pedagogical model of differentiation methodical system of professional training of musicians; making the atmosphere of creative cooperation between teacher and student. The directions of work covered by the formative experiment included: methods of activating students' interests to music art and self-realization, self-improvement, self-differentiation in this area; the use of different types of activities in readiness formation for differentiation in the professional training of music-students; gradual formation of readiness for differentiation in professional training of educational process participants; realization of creative musical potential of each applicant for higher education.
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