The article is devoted to reflecting the importance of a handwritten Ukrainian-language textbook for primary education, created by Boris Grinchenko, in order to form educated and cultured Ukrainians in their non-state life in the Russian Empire (last third of the XIX century – the beginning of the XX century). It is substantiated that B. Grinchenko (1863–1910) argued for the urgent need to teach Ukrainian children in their native language in a textbook that contains educational material close to them, because it corresponds to their mentality, nature and life experience. He used Ukrainian folklore in his textbook, which he began to collect in the villages at a young age: fables, stories, proverbs, riddles, jokes, proverbs, songs, fairy tales. The activist believed that didactic material, which is accessible in content and important for their nationally oriented upbringing, is rooted in the moral and spiritual traditions of the Ukrainian people, corresponds to the Ukrainian archetype, and therefore has a positive effect on the socially important formation of pupils' national identity. B. Grinchenko's didactic approaches to the implementation of nationally oriented education of peasants and their children by means of a Ukrainian-language textbook created on the basis of samples of folklore material are revealed.
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