The article considers the issue of sociocultural competence of a future teacher-philologists. Today, in connection with the educational paradigm, that is changing, and the shift in emphasis in the educational process to self-educational activities, an integral part of the professional competence of young specialists is the formation of their sociocultural competence. It is determined that students do not have theoretical and practical knowledge on the implementation and formation of sociocultural competence.The article analyzes the concepts of levels and grading. The main criteria of the component composition of sociocultural competence are highlighted. The essence of the cognitive theory proposed by D. Hirsch is revealed, which emphasizes the intellectual level of students. The author notes that with the help of regional, cultural and sociolinguistic materials, students are introduced to the culture and realities of the countries whose language is being studied, their horizons are expanded, their communication and life experience is enriched. In addition, the ability and willingness to use a foreign language in real communication develops; the ability to represent your own country, its culture in the context of intercultural communication is formed. Learning is provided with a modern sound, focused on mutual understanding, tolerance for differences between people, joint solution of important universal human problems, cooperation and interaction, including using a foreign language.
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