The article considers the levels of formation of cognitive readiness for learning of senior preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. The theoretical and analytical work on studying the problem of formation of cognitive readiness for learning of senior preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders was based on the diagnostics of the levels of cognitive readiness for learning of children of this category and helped identify the components in its structure (memory, attention, imagination, thinking, perception). The criteria included auditory memory, voluntary attention, productive imagination, logical thinking, visual perception. The indicators included memorizing the list of words by ear, focusing on the task, correct construction of the whole based on parts of the image, description of the logical sequence of events on the plot, reproduction of the integrity of the image. Three levels of cognitive readiness formation were determined: high, medium, low. The study of the levels of formation of cognitive readiness for learning of senior preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders of the experimental group was carried out according to the comparative principle by comparing their results with the indicators of senior preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders of the control group. A low level of formation of cognitive readiness for learning of senior preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders of the control group was empirically found out, which is caused by the insufficient level of formation of its structural components.
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