It was found that the end result of professional training of student youth is communicative competence. Communicative-dialogic competence acts as a hierarchically organized mental formation, as a certain level of development of the individual, which involves the formation of its holistic system of motivational, personal qualities and functional-operational manifestations that implement emotional, cognitive and behavioral components of personality. The most important problem of modern science of the last decades, which is obliged to form persistent guidance and meanings of realization of diverse cultural interests and values in students, is the problem of substantiation of communicative-dialogic competence, the choice of ways of full-fledged, comprehensive, harmonious improvement of students and their lives. The position of “communication” is basic because it defines a wide range of communicative and informational interactions of personality in the process of educational and professional activity. Thus, the development of various forms of communicative competence of a modern person, the conceptual content of which we define as a systemic algorithmis actualized. The main component of the algorithm is the communicative potential, which contains the communicative talent of the personality and the knowledge necessary for the realization of communication. It is concluded that the communicative competence of student youth is a very important component of a broad and complex problem – the formation of its professionally significant qualities. Philosophical support for the development of communicative and dialogical competence of student youth in the cultural and educational space primarily involves the dialectic of communication, and in this competence decisively encourages the individual to choose the socio-cultural communicative sphere where his subjective qualities will be demanded and realized.
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