The article deals with the role of irredentism in international politics. The author relies on the approach of T. Ambrosio, who proposes to take into account the international or regional context in the study of irredentism. Systematic and historical methods were used in the research. Irredentism is seen as a set of strategies and actions of the mother state and the national minority, which aim is to unite a divided ethnic community in one political body. Irredentism is a form of the political process, the implementation of which involves the use of several technologies. Modern irredentism can exist in “mild” and “hard” forms. The “mild” form implies the strengthening of the political, economic, and cultural influence of the mother state on kin groups, while the “hard” form involves the annexation of the territory. The origin of irredentism and its transformation conform to the changes in the system of international relations. The hypothesis that the role of the international community in the regulation of irredentist conflicts in the process of international relations development has been proved. The author analyses the current state of irredentism in Europe in the context of integration processes, and it is determined that the conditions for the accession to the EU and NATO restrain the manifestations of irredentism. The example of the Russian irredentist project reveals that the international legal framework does not clearly regulate the forms of countering irredentism.
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