The object of this article is to study historical reasons for the escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh, to identify possible scenarios for the development of the conflict, considering the support of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan by Ukraine. A large-scale war is certainly not beneficial to anyone. It is disadvantageous for Azerbaijan because the country does not lay claim to the territory of Armenia; Azerbaijan only wants its lands to be liberated. The investigation sees into the main positions of Ukraine in regards to the conflict and its support of the integrity of Azerbaijan’s territory. It also outlines the main scenarios for the possible further development of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia and highlights the viewpoints of both parties. Methods that were used in the research are as follows: general scientific method (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), method of theoretical research (from abstract to concrete), historical method. It was determined that Ukraine’s stand regarding Azerbaijan is enforced by its consistent support in the Donbas region situation and the annexation of Crimea. The article also identifies the main points of support from Turkey, as well as other countries’ standpoints. The conflict will only be settled if Azerbaijan and Armenia reach a consensus through negotiations, taking into consideration each other’s principles of territorial integrity and perspectives. The resumption of the conflict is bolstered by the aggravated economic situation in the wake of the pandemic.
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