The aim of the article is the cultural and socio-systemological interpretation of the results of empirical research of gender culture in Ukraine. Generalization of the empirical data obtained by the author made it possible to formulate the following conclusions. The ideologies of matriarchal racism and sexism value the inferiority of men’s life and health, property rights, freedom of selfactualization, opportunities for raising children, and so on. At the micro level of socio-institutional relations (matriarchal family) due to these areas of value consciousness there is a recursion of gender ideology in the form of gender morality, which reflects the neofunctionalist (cultural and socio-systemic) interpretation of the mechanisms of autopoiesis of the cultural system. The matrimonial nuclear family in the conditions of Ukrainian gender culture acquires a dyadic form, ie, the classical triad scheme of relations in the family (father-mother-child) is replaced by a dyadic due to the scenario of peripherization-displacement of the man outside the family space and positioning him as a sub of service activities to ensure consumer projects of mother and child. In gender morality, the recursion of matriarchal racism and sexism takes the form of matriarchal familiarism. In the gender consciousness, matriarchal familiarism means the implicit recognition of a woman and a child as a self-sufficient dyad, in which the man is not so much a selfsufficient subject as an instrument of financial, property, labor and other instrumental resources.
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