The article considers the professional competence of educational experts in conducting the institutional audit of educational institutions is an integral multi-level professionally significant characteristic of the personality and activities of a specialist, based on effective professional experience; reflecting the systemic level of functioning of methodological, methodological and research knowledge, skills, experience, motivation, abilities and readiness for creative self-realization in expert activity, presupposes an optimal combination of methods of professional scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical activity. The development of professional competence is the development of a creative individuality, susceptibility to the pedagogical innovations, the ability to adapt to changes in the pedagogical environment. A structural and functional model has been developed that enables identification of interrelated components: goals, objectives, pedagogical conditions, principles, functions, stages, forms and methods of work, criteria, indicators and levels of development of educational experts professional competence in conducting institutional audit in educational institutions. The following theoretical research methods were used to solve certain problems: systematic analysis, comparison, systematization, classification and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of development of competence; method of systematic analysis of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical, sociological literature for theoretical generalization of leading scientific approaches to the development of educators’ competence; interpretation of key provisions of the study.
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