The article is devoted to highlighting the origins of the idea of multiculturalism in the Ukrainian educational environment. The author states the relevance of the problem of multiculturalism for the Ukrainian education system, defines the range of the most discussed scientific problems and states the limited scope of work where the problem of multiculturalism was considered from a historical and pedagogical perspective. In paper the author states the presence of this educational trend in the middle of the twentieth century, which has created certain preconditions for the modern implementation of the concept of multicultural education. The article considers educational internationalism as a dual concept, which, on the one hand, promoted fraternity, commonwealth and mutual respect, and on the other hand, irreconcilability towards representatives of other (non-socialist) political views. Therefore, the author is convinced that it is impossible to identify the ideas of internationalism and multiculturalism in education. International education laid the foundations for the creation of a certain social community on the territory of the USSR, however, both external and internal problems associated with the existence of various nations/ethnic groups were solved exclusively on a class (and therefore irreconcilable) basis. On the other hand, the educational concept of multiculturalism deprives the educational discourse of any enmity, opposition of some groups to others, struggle with each other, instead of promoting the ideas of social tolerance, civic values, mutual respect and cooperation. Recognizing the presence of cultural diversity, multicultural education is based on the recognition of the equality of representatives of different cultures, their importance for the sustainable development of the modern world.
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