Keywords: conflict, knowledge, personality communicativeness, verbal conflict situations, educational activities, prevention of professional burnout


The problem of future specialist conflictological competence formation as the development factor of sanogenic potential in the educational environment of a higher education institution is relevant and requires immediate theoretical solution. The article reveals the content of basic concepts such as “conflictological competence”, “conflictological competences” of future specialists, offers approaches to the conflictological competence development as a factor of the sanogenic potential development in the educational environment of higher education institutions. In this study “conflictological competence” is understood as a necessary part of future specialists’ professional competence, which includes the art of individual work with personality, mastery of various “keys” of communication, special methods of organizing one’s psyche, means of emotional stress and anxiety reduction with the aim to ensure one’s own mental health potential. The formation of conflictological competence is based on the following main blocks: theoretical knowledge in the field of conflictology and psychology; mastery of technologies that prevent, manage, minimize destructive conflict forms; formation of sanogenic type of thinking, which includes reflexivity, creativity, and dynamism; possession of stress-resistance technologies in conflicts, absence of fear in conflicts; adherence to professional ethics in conflicts; a high level of personal culture, which ensures the level of future specialists’ psychological health.


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How to Cite
Polishchuk, G., Demchenko, A., & Blaise, H. (2021). CONFLICTOLOGICAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE SPECIALIST AS THE DEVELOPMENT FACTOR OF SANOGENIC POTENTIAL. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 39(2), 205-215.