Keywords: cross-cultural didactics, professional competence, semiotic competence, Ukrainian song


The article discusses the pedagogical potential of Ukrainian song folklore in the context of current trends in modern musical pedagogy. Song folklore is considered as the main identifier of the national musical tradition and reflects the non-musical factors of its specificity. These factors ensure the success of the study of Ukrainian music by representatives of other cultures and reflect the main ideas of the cross-cultural direction of music education, in the mainstream of which the interactions of the modern pedagogical experience of Ukraine and China are formed. Ukrainian song folklore as a semiotic system is considered as didactic material, which is aimed at the formation of the semiotic competence of a music teacher. The proposed method allows the student to form a conscious perception of a folk song as a “genocode” of national culture, which is expressed in the symbolic form of the musical language. Song folklore is also promising for the integrational direction of artistic pedagogy. It is based on the principle of using interdisciplinary connections of various types of arts in the educational process.


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How to Cite
Pengfei, S. (2021). UKRAINIAN SONG FOLKLORE IN THE CONTEXT OF CURRENT TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUSICAL PEDAGOGY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 39(2), 216-222.