Keywords: pedagogical technologies, education, didactics, research, projecting, organization and management, methodology, facilitation


Based on studied materials the author concludes that modern national pedagogical science is taking the first step towards building conceptual foundations for the formation of soft skills by primary school children as part of the concept of “New Ukrainian School”. The issue of soft skills formation in higher education institutions remains highly important. The purpose of the article was to describe functions that the teacher performs in the process of forming soft skills. In the course of study within the framework of each function, the author determined the following requirements to actions of teachers to form soft skills by students: *the educational: the organization of effective communication in various types of extracurricular work; *the didactic: the use of modern pedagogical technologies; *the research: defining principles, approaches and conditions that have a significant impact on the formation of soft skills; *the projective: modeling various types of activities for mastering soft skills; *the organizational and managerial: describing in detail ways of solving the assigned tasks by using specific pedagogical techniques and methods; *the predictive: determining the main areas of activity based on conditions, forms, components, and levels of forecasting; *the methodological: mastering the principles and methodological techniques of organizing and conducting trainings, round tables, workshops, speaking in classes during extracurricular work; *the facilitative: the organization of multilevel interaction in the “teacher-to-student” and “student-to-student” modes in accordance with the “attributive circle” of facilitation process.


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