Keywords: geopolitics, integration processes, Baltic-Black Sea cooperation, regional integration


The importance of the geopolitical integration concepts of the Baltic-Black Sea region is determined by the need to contain the threat from the east by uniting military forces, economic components and developing a common political course as a means of countering Russian expansion. By pursuing a common political course and integrating into the processes of the Baltic-Black Sea region (BBSR), Ukraine and its allies will be able to suppress Russia’s imperialist intentions as a result of Russian expansion. The scientific task is to study the integration concepts in the BBSR in order to change the world order in favor of ensuring security in the European space. In general, researchers consider geopolitical processes in the BBSR in three directions: geographical, political and military. The study analyzes different approaches to defining the Baltic-Black Sea region, defines the boundaries of the BBSR and implements comparative analysis of existing researches on the BBSR and integration processes taking place within it, establishes the importance of integration processes in the BBSR for the geopolitical location of forces in the world. It is concluded that the integration processes in the BCHR take place not only in the military-political direction, but also in the economic and humanitarian ones. In the future, it is necessary to study in more detail the social and cultural areas of cooperation that may be the basis for the unification of the BBSR into a single union.


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How to Cite
Panchuk, R. (2021). SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES OF GEOPOLITICAL INTEGRATION CONCEPTS OF THE BALTIC-BLACK SEA REGION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 39(2), 273-283.